November 18, 2010

Ignorance is bliss.

I have forgotten what it's like to live in ignorance. As of lately, I feel I continously live in the reality of the brokeness that surrounds me, even consumes me at times. But there is no hope in Consumption only deeper despair. the only hope, the only way I have found to make sense of it truly make sense of the past, present, and future is through His word. Through His promises, through His story..that is now slowly becoming my story. His love reflected in my strength, not of my doing, but His. Redemption from the past and hope for the future.

Where I sometimes settle for burgers and fries, He has a feast awaiting, but only through determined obedience. I stumble, I doubt, I complain, I get impatient, but continue to run to His name. Sure...bliss no longer exists in my world, but truth proclaims a different tune. One that comforts others in their struggle and is a hand that lifts my brother, my sister to help them up along the way.

You see, speaking only of our troubles, of past mistakes, regrets, betrayls, lost dreams, only leaves us with half a story. Let Him finish your beautiful story and place new desires in your heart. He will lay the foundation of Hope, Understanding, Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. Run to Him in times of need, times of regret, times of sorrow and times of happiness...Let Him be your sheild, your Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. We all have a master..It is either the things of the world or the things of the Lord. Only one leads to enternal life. You are tired, you are weary, so just stop...and find your
Rest in Him.

"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10

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