April 9, 2009

Love notes...

Through his son Jesus Christ, I have salvation, forgiveness, eternal life, and best of all- unconditional love. He has taught me to see him in a different light. To listen to his whisper that I have often times ignored.

He loves me in so many ways. He sprinkles reminders of his love throughout my daily life. Sometimes I am too caught up in myself and in this world to notice and to open his love notes. I've gone astray many times just to run back into his arms like a child. And the best part is that he always picks me up and embraces me.

He is the kind of God that loves us, even when we make mistakes. I don't pretend to know everything about scripture and I didn't grow up learning the gospel. Ever since I was five I remember praying to God, even though I didn't know who he was. The Lord is my Shepard, my protector.

What does it mean to believe in something that you can't see? It means a lot of faith. It means hard work and perseverance. He was been with me ever since I can remember. We ALL have a place for God in our heart; we just often times ignore it and fill it with other things of this world. To separate ourselves from this world is a difficult task. It is all we know and it is what we experience everyday.

But God prepares you through these storms. He shows you areas of your self that need work by using difficult times, people, circumstances. It's easy to be thankful and happy when your life is problem-free. But that is not what this world was intended to be. He prepares us, challenges us, and slowly reveals his plan to us.

Why not believe? I think those that don't believe are fearful of letting go of what they know, of letting go of what's comfortable. When we refocus our eyes on God, everything else pales in comparison and our desires naturally begin to change. It's a process and it's slow, but before you know it you have bloomed into something beautiful.

I know God more today than I did last year. My goal is to know him more today than I did yesterday. It takes small, conscious steps each day. I'm stubborn, which means I've had a much harder time understanding these basic principals.

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